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Write Website Copy That Converts! – Part 2

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Change how you deliver your message, forever!

Hello, I’m Chantal; a freelance copywriter.

I have found that there are lots of business owners who struggle with copywriting. Maybe they don’t know how to sell themselves without sounding like their ego is MASSIVE or sometimes it can be more about what needs to be on a website in the first place. Do you really need an about page? (The quick answer to that one is, yes!)

Hiring a good copywriter can be expensive. That’s because it’s a skill we’ve learnt, and it takes time and energy to be creative. That being said though, I truly believe that, given the right tools, most people can up their writing game and reap the rewards.

I’ve created this course because I hear it all too often that business owners don’t know what to write on their websites. That it takes ages and at the end they aren’t really that happy with it anyway. I genuinely want to help because for me copywriting is a game-changer in business. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you’ll never go back to how you used to write for your business again.

In Part 1 you’ll gain the knowledge to be able to write effectively for your website (and we all know effective writing leads to more sales!)

In Part 2 you’ll start to see how your website comes together. Which pages you’ll need and what to write in each.

Note: my courses are best completed together, however, they are written as separate courses.

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What Will You Learn?

  • How to compile your words
  • How to write for your about page
  • How to write for your services page
  • How to write for your home page
  • What to add to an FAQ page
  • Tips for your contact page
  • How to effectively use testimonials

Course Content

Module 6 – Compiling your words
It’s all in the preparation.

  • It’s all in the preparation.

Module 7 – Writing your about page
What is an about page? What do I write in an about page? What don’t I write in an about page?

Module 8 – Writing your services page
What do you actually sell? Do you need to add your prices? Ordering your offers. How many clicks?

Module 9 – Writing your landing/home page
What is a landing page/home page? What’s the purpose of a home page? What is the purpose of a landing page? What should I include (home page)? What should I include (landing page)?

Module 10 – Writing your FAQ page
Do you need an FAQ? Good uses for an FAQ.

Module 11 – Writing your contact page
Collecting information. Don’t stop selling your benefits. Little extras.

Module 12 – Adding testimonials
When and which to add? Getting more from them.

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