So you’ve got your website together, (yay!) or at least you’re on your way to getting there (still yay!) BUT you keep writing your content until last because you don’t know how to make it shine. 

Don’t worry, it’s something we all struggle with, it’s not an easy task talking about yourself and it’s also not a cheap one to outsource either. There are so many things to think about, your unique selling point, what type of customer you have or want and what they want to hear, your ‘why’, the call to action and SO much more. 

So where do you start!? 

I’ve come up with these 5 foolproof tips on getting you started with your course to help you on your way:

  1. Have a plan of action! Decide which pages you’ll need before you start writing
  1. Know WHO you are writing to. Put some thought and/or research into who will be reading your website.
  1. Don’t forget your calls to action. What do you want the reader to do? Book now? Get in touch? Make sure it’s easy for them to follow.
  1. Remember words can be edited. Start now, get going and edit and refine your copy later. 
  1. Learn from the professionals.  Use free resources to learn, there are plenty on Youtube or you can buy  my course and follow along with me to create your fantastic website copy.

Follow these tips and you’ll be there in no time. Try not to feel overwhelmed, it can also help to break the work down into smaller pieces to make it feel more manageable, so take this as your message to get going! You’ve got this. 

Remember if you are struggling, I’m always here to help, please feel free to drop me an email to arrange a power hour or to enquire about how I can personally help you to write fantastic content for your website.

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